Flexible LED-strips for the vehicle sector

When it comes to the topic of innovative vehicle lighting, not only functionality plays a key role nowadays, but also the design. Our LED strips product range offers design-driven light sources which meet any customer-specific requirements with their flexibility. Whether used as a warning signal lamp or efficient work and periphery lighting, thanks to our extensive know-how, we are now expanding our lighting skyline with yet another system solution: FlexLED light strips with a design factor.

FlexLED kelvin

The warm-white to cold-white LED strips are suited above all for use as work and periphery lighting.

FlexLED monochrom

The monochrome LED strips are used primarily for status indication and special lighting.

FlexLED profiles

Different mounting profiles for the professional installation of FlexLED medium strips.

Warning Sign FlexLED

Rigid or foldable with integrated LED lightning.

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