RDC-premium - Ramp-distance-control
30. Jan. 2018
Smooth docking with Aspöck RDCpremium
Only a few metres to the ramp. The lorry reverses slowly. Only 3 metres to the black buffers and an unmistakable beeping signal sounds. At the same time, the end outline marker start to blink. The ramp-distance-control RDCpremium by Aspöck Systems is automatically activated when reversing at under 10 km/h, and assists the driver until the vehicle is docked at the ramp.
The closer the semi-trailer gets to the ramp, the more the frequency of the acoustic and visual warning increases. The warning sound becomes a continuous tone and, despite gently pressing on the accelerator, the trailer decelerates automatically just before reaching the ramp until it comes to a complete stop. RDCpremium has performed its function. After about two seconds, the brake is released and the driver is free to finally dock the vehicle at the ramp.
Collision damages are widely reduced and prevented by Aspöck RDCpremium. This increases safety and saves enormous repair costs, especially in refrigerated vehicles, where repairing the box truck is not easy or fast, and especially not cheap. Therefore, the fitting of an Aspöck RDCpremium already pays off in contrast to the repair costs of a moderate rear damage.
The ramp-distance-control can be connected to Haldex and Knorr EBS modules according to the "plug and play" principle. Simply connect and go.
In its full equipment range, Aspöck RDCpremium consists of two ultrasonic sensors at the rear of the vehicle, two end outline marker in robust LED technology, the acoustic warning and the connecting cables to the EBS and to the lighting system.
Aspöck RDCpremium is also ideal for small and medium-sized transport vehicles. If the EBS connecting cable is not used, only acoustic and visual warning signals are emitted.
The warning sound signals are conceived in such a way that the sounds can be heard well even in case of loud background noise. But sometimes quiet sounds are to be preferred, e.g. for night deliveries in residential areas or when delivering to a hospital. Aspöck RDCpremium can be muted when you go into reverse twice in quick succession.
An overview of the benefits:
- Autonomous system for the lorry trailer or semi-trailer
- Safe approach to the loading ramps
- Automatic decelerating process at 1 m distance
- Fewer cases of damage – no expensive repair costs
- Use of only 2 adjustable ultrasonic sensors
- Acoustic and visual warning signals
- Night shutdown of the acoustic warning system
- Easy and quick fitting on the vehicle