Portugal 2020
05. May. 2023
Project designation | Autonomous Training Projects
Project Code | POCI-03-3560-FSE-039717
Main goal | Promote Sustainability and Quality of Employment and Support Labour Mobility
Intervention Region | Norte
Project sponsor | ASPÖCK PORTUGAL, S.A.
Certification date: 26-02-2019
Start Date: 21-05-2018
End Date: 31-07-2020
Total eligible costs | 214.565,22 EUR
EU financial support | FSE: 54.513,75 EUR
This project aims to qualify employees in areas relevant to the company.
They will be trained in topics such as leading work teams, improving innovation strategy, communicating with suppliers' customers and management skills.
The skills of the employees will be strengthened and their competitiveness in the market, especially in the automotive sector, will be increased.